Thomas Massie tweeted the following:
"Senator @BernieSanders said the senate CHIPS Act is a $53 billion bribe that semiconductor companies demanded in exchange for staying in the United States.Hes right.Taking money from working Americans and giving it to profitable corporations is immoral and wont even work."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Thomas Massie:
"Thank you to @HerreraBeutler for cosponsoring HR 5874, the Restoring America's Leadership in Innovation Act of 2021 (RALIA) legislation. RALIA reverses several harmful changes to patent law that arose from Supreme Court rulings and the enacted Leahy-Smith "America Invents Act.""Read on Twitter
"If Chips against the CHIPS act, you know its bad. (It is very bad.)"Read on Twitter
"Great news for members of the Air Force. @SecDef, your disregard for religious freedom will be similarly countermanded in the courts for the other branches of military as well. Why not just do the right thing now for all branches?" on July 27Read on Twitter